Shannxi Bridgetree Web Technology Services Inc,

Registered Date: December 5th, 20

Registered Capital: USD 2, 500,000

Enterprise Property: foreign natural person sole


Industry Category: Information transmission

software and information

technology services

Outsourcing Type: ITO

Number of Employees: 45

Main Market: U.S

Certificates: CMMI3

Bridgetree is located in intelligence 8, Gaoxin No. 3 Road. The company was established in December 2007 with an investment of $2.5 million. The area of company is nearly 610 square meters, providing data and software services to the top corporate customers in the US.

At present, our company has more than 50 employees. Bridgetree services are provided through a highly educated and seasoned group of industry, technical and programming professionals. The company makes and maintains large investments in hardware technology, and licensed and custom software to support sophisticated marketing programs and the creation of intellectual property for our clients.The company's software includes high-end statistical tools(SAS, SPSS, etc. ) database data purging(analysis, standardization, matching, encoding), postal processing, and push e-mail engines. Our content for research and other uses includes demographic, firm graphic and other data for nearly every household and business in America

Bridgetree operates on a fast and flexible platform of high-end PC workstations and large capacity webservers.

Bridgetree specializes in information services, data analysis and logistic services for large consumer and business marketers. We service a variety of industries including retail, financial services, travel, and consumer products, as well as not-for-profit organizations. Bridgetree works for many Fortune 500 companies. Its client list include Lowe's, Bank of America. AT&T, Adidas, GE, Abbott Nutrition and etc.

Known for innovative approaches to complex business problems and meticulous client service. Bridgetree is constantly developing client-specific services to meet needs, changing markets, and evolving technologies

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