Ganshan Software Development Xi'an Co, Ltd.

Registered Date: May 29th, 2006

Registered Capital: JPY 15 million yen

Enterprise Property: Foreign wholly-owned company

Industry Category: Computer software development

Outsourcing Type: ITO

Number of Employees: 14

Main Market: Japan

Ganshan Softwear Development Xian Co, Ltd was established by Okayama Chuo Systems Co, Ltd. of Japan In 2006. The capital is JPY 15 milliom yen. Our staffs are 14 engineers now. Our company develops computer systems for Japanese customers.

Most of our sutaffs have been trained as professinal engineer in Japan. By this experience, they analyze the customer's request and make the plan for a new system They take home a design document and develop a new system with business partners in Xi'an.

Our favorite fields are Welfare system for an old people's, home and management of inhabitant information, public utilityenterprise for a local selfgoverning office. For private enterprises, charge accounts of telephone and gas, nutrition guidance, meal menu support system.

Our destination is to get perfect satisfaction from our customers. We believe that customers satisfaction develop our company.

Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » Ganshan Software Development Xi'an Co, Ltd.