TAGJourney to the West

Journey to the West - Monkey Makes Three Attempts to Borrow the Plantain Fan

MonkeyMakesThreeAttemptstoBorrowthePlantainFan  TheTangPriestandhisthreedisciple

Journey to the West - Red Boy Captures Sanzang

RedBoyCapturesSanzang  RedBoy,theBullDemonKingandPrincessIronFansson,hadcultivat

Journey to the West - Fish Spirit Makes Trouble

FishSpiritMakesTrouble  TangPriestandhisthreedisciplestraveledwestward.Onenight,

Journey to the West - Fighting in the Bottomless Cave

FightingintheBottomlessCave  WhenTangPriestandhisthreedisciplescometoMountPitfal

Journey to the West - Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice

MonkeyHitLadyWhiteBoneThrice  TheTangPriest(Sanzang)andhisthreediscipleswereonth

Journey to the West - The Tang Priest's Journey for Scriptures

TheTangPriest'sJourneyforScriptures  DuringthereignofEmperorTaiZong(627-649)

Journey to the West - Chaos at the Feast of Peaches

ChaosattheFeastofPeaches  Oneday,theJadeEmperorinvitedMonkeySun,theGREatSageEqua

Journey to the West - Leaping out of the Eight Trigrams Furnace

LeapingoutoftheEightTrigramsFurnace  TheGREatSagecausedhavocinHeavenandtheJadeEm

Journey to the West - Making Havoc in Heaven

MakingHavocinHeaven  ThoughMonkeywasversatileandboastedsupernaturalpowers,GREatS

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White Dagoba - Built in 1651, this 35.90-meter-tall dagoba was damaged twice by

Built in 1651, this 35.90-meter-tall dagoba was damaged twice by earthquakes in

Temple of Eternal Peace (Yong’an) is situated at the southern edge of White Dago

Temple of Eternal Peace (Yong’an) is situated at the southern edge of White Dago

Jade Islet - Situated in the center of Beihai Park

Situated in the center of Beihai Park, acclaimed as one of the earliest imperial
