Ganghong International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

  • Country: China
  • Category: Transportation
  • Added: 2024-01-04
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  • Ganghong International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
  • Description:
  • Ganghong International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. was established in 2018. We are a promising third-party cross-border e-commerce logistics supply chain enterprise that integrates COD small packages from Taiwan_ Ganghong COD small package_ Thailand COD

    Small package_ Philippine COD small bag_ Singapore COD small package_ Malaysia COD small bag_ Southeast Asia COD small package international logistics, Taiwan COD, Ganghong COD, Thailand COD, Philippines COD, Malaysia COD, Singapore COD, Southeast Asia COD,

    Ganghong Special Line, Taiwan Special Line, Special Line Logistics, E-commerce Small Packets, COD Collection, Cross border Logistics, International Logistics, International Small Packets, International Commercial Express, International Air Transport, International Maritime Cross border E-commerce Small Packets and other businesses are integrated into one

    Cross regional, networked, information-based, and intelligent cross-border warehousing and distribution international logistics companies. The company adheres to the business philosophy of speed, service, integrity, and innovation, and adheres to the principle of ensuring that everyone in the world has no difficult goods to transport

    Our mission is to become an international logistics operator that the world can choose from, and we are committed to providing high-quality cross-border international logistics forwarding services to the world.

    After 13 years of cultivation and efforts, Ganghong International has developed into an international logistics enterprise that provides integrated cross-border warehousing and distribution services for domestic and foreign cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Its delivery service capabilities cover 388 cities worldwide,

    The storage area for line management exceeds 100000 meters. At the same time, Ganghong Ganghong International has established wholly-owned subsidiaries and overseas warehouses in countries and regions such as Ganghong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc,

    Provide cross-border import and export comprehensive warehouse logistics service support for domestic and foreign merchants.

    Information technology is one of the driving forces for the development of Honghong International, which independently develops WMS, WCS, OMS, TMS systems and realizes productization, using big data to provide services for enterprises. In the future, Ganghong International is committed to creating

    The most influential smart warehousing and logistics cross-border transfer service system in South China, with intelligence and platformization, is the strategic sales target for the future development of Ganghong International.

    Contact phone number: 13147399934

    Contact QQ: 1181097429


    Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » Ganghong International Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.