Liuzhou OVM Machinery Co., Ltd.

  • Country: China
  • Category: Machinery
  • Added: 2024-09-15
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  • Liuzhou OVM Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • Description:
  • "OVM" and "欧维姆" are the brand trademarks of Liuzhou OVM Machinery Co., Ltd. The letter "V" shaped design wedgeand the “M" meaned the anchor code . The "O" is shorted for “Orient” , symbolizing the brand is from origin.

    OVM has led China's prestressing field with superior product quality and innovative technology, dominating the marketwith a share exceeding 80%. Over the years, OVM has expanded from a single anchorage product to multiple areasincluding cables, structure seismic-isolation system, engineering, and monintoring, continually enhancing its brandinfluence and market recognition. OVM represents not only the origin of the Orient and the success of victory but alsosymbolizes professionalism and excellence in the field of machinery.

    OVM has promoted the domestic application in various fields such as bridges, buildings, nuclear power, LNG, windpower, and photovoltaics, making significant contributions to the nation's technological progress and socialdevelopment. its brand value and industry status have been highly recognized by industry experts, becoming a well-known national brand.

    Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » Liuzhou OVM Machinery Co., Ltd.