Wuxi Relong New Material Technology Co., Ltd
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Wuxi Relong New Material Technology Co., Ltd was founded in June, 2016 by a team of industry veterans who had gained vast production, sales and R&D experience from world’s leading high performance laminate suppliers. RELONG manufacturing facility is located at beautiful lakeshore of Lake Taihu – Mashan Town in Wuxi, China. Aiming at further expansion of operations, RELONG company owns a 31,000 square meters of parcel of land. The existing modem factory has 8,500 square meters of manufacturing shop floor and a 6,000 square meters of R&D and office building.
RELONG concentrates on developing, manufacturing and supplying advanced printed circuit board laminate material for high frequency and microwave applications. RELONG offers a broad range of low Dk, low loss PTFE laminate and Hydrocarbon prepreg products to satisfy customer’s ever-challenging performance and cost requirements.
RELONG is an ISO9001 2015 certified company. We brought in the best PTFE coater and high temperature press from the Western suppliers, implemented ERP/Lead Production/SPC to ensure our products possess best uniformity, consistency and traceability. RELONG devotes to provide best-in-class products and service, as well cost performance solutions to telecommunication customers. In addition, RELONG company maintains a high commitment to on-going R&D efforts to lead the market with technology. We strive to provide customized high reliability products to our space and defense customers.
RELONG products are suitable for various RF and microwave applications, such as Base Station Antennas, Power Amplifiers, Phase Array Radars, Satellite communications, Satellite Navigations, Automotive, HSD, Couplers and Filters, etc.
Our Visions:To be a worldwide class enterprise, and to be an innovative, cost-effective RF laminates and interconnect solution provider.
Our Mission:Provide best-in-class and customized RF laminate material. We strive to make RF designer’s life easier by helping them solve material challenges.
Our Value:Add value to customer.
China Headquarter
Relong Wuxi Relong New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
Consumer Hotline: 0510-68578710
Fax Telephone: 0510-68578717
Customer Service Email: sales@relong-hitech.com
Address: No. 11, Changkang Road, Mashan Town, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province,China
Website: www.relong-hitech.com
South Korea Distributor
Tel: +82-31-382-6500
Fax: +82-31-386-9806
E-mail: Sales@ezhightech.com
Adddress: (431-810)Rm705,250,Hagui-ro,Dongan-gu,Anyang-si,Gyeonggi-do,Korea
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