Global Fastener Platform

Popularity index: Update time: 2024-03-06
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Global Fastener Platform

For a long time, international fastener trade has been limited to a single market mode: production relies on orders, orders cling to exhibitions. Although the Internet has been widely used among fastener suppliers and purchasers, it’s still limited to a small part, which means that most purchasers and end users keep the original habit of buying fasteners by going to a nearby market or terminal place. In view of this situation, the latest service mode “GlobalFastener Supermarket Chains“ comes into being. GlobalFastener is committed to efficiently collecting first-hand high-quality purchase orders for our VIP members, while matching suitable suppliers in a timely manner.

Global Fastener Platform(图1) creates a channel of distribution for you! It costs less than what a company spends on one exhibition. You’re able to get a one-whole-year (365 days) products show and firsthand business opportunities.

Instead of doing our own business, GlobalFastener Supermarket Chains but laying distribution sources for our VIP companies. The products of our VIP members will be displayed on the platform to achieve a better promotion effect and form a model combining offline channel network and online trade platform.

In addition, for those manufacturers who have products in stock, it is possible to sell their products through the GlobalFastener Supermarket Chain.

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GlobalFastener Inc.

Location: Pittsburgh,PA, USA


Location: Hongkong

Hangzhou Ekintong E-commerce Co., Ltd.

Location: Hangzhou, China
