Jinjiang Yuantai Leather Co., Ltd.

  • Country: China
  • Category: Leather
  • Added: 2024-09-05
  • Hits:
  • URL: http://www.yuantaipige.com/
  • Jinjiang Yuantai Leather Co., Ltd.
  • Description:
  • Yuantai has been committed to the production and sales of leather. Relying on the world's advanced leather manufacturing equipment and technology, Yuantai has 

    gradually become a professional leather manufacturer in Southeast China, with remarkable achievements.

    The company has more than 200 employees, divided into administrative department, technology department, fur workshop, Lanpi workshop, finishing workshop, 

    sewage workshop. Each department cooperates with each other to form a complete and reliable production line.

    Yuantai has been committed to the production and sales of leather. Relying on the world's advanced leather manufacturing equipment and technology, Yuantai has 

    gradually become a professional leather manufacturer in Southeast China, with remarkable achievements.

    The company has a keen insight into the market situation, as well as a strong technical team and strength support, good at making explosive money. Committed to 

    meet customer needs.

    Jinjiang Yuantai Leather Co., Ltd.

    Address: No. 16, Dongfu Road, Andong Development Zone, Dongshi Town, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, China

    Customer service

    Wechat number:CovC0624


    Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » Jinjiang Yuantai Leather Co., Ltd.